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Please find the service/s and information you're after on this website. If you'd like to proceed a with booking, please fill in the  the contact form with your request and relevant information, and we will get back to you.

Kind regards from Shell & Damian


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Please email Shell or Damian to discuss how we can help with you and your dog, we're very grateful to be able to help!


"Thank you Damian for your amazing ability to transfer our very playful lab into a very obedient dog. Your very friendly service and professional training manner was outstanding.

More importantly you were able to instruct us on how to maintain Bulla’s obedience training to ensure he received a consistent ‘message’. Being able to control Bulla’s enthusiasm has certainly made walking along the beach a more enjoyable experience and his temperament is exemplary."

- Trent, Jodie and Millie

“After a very embarrassing and frightening hour on the beach one day trying to catch my four month Border Collie Puppy, I felt like I had won the lottery, when gave an enthusiastic  recommendation for Damian. He really helped me see things from Nell’s angle and taught me a number of simple techniques that made a big difference to how well I was able to work with Nell.

Nell is still a very spirited and highly active dog, but now she is very responsive and reliable – an absolute pleasure to take out – whether its having miles of off leash fun on the beach or an on leash walk through local streets and reserves."

– Anne and Nell

Jan Juc

“Not only did Damian’s training of my very excitable Boxer Staffy Cross give me the confidence to handle and enjoy Dodge, but in addition he went above and beyond the professional standards of training and had a personal approach with us. Damian really impressed us with his impeccable training skills, as well as maintaining and respecting Dodge’s spirit and character. I can’t thank you enough Damian and I look forward to continuing our training.”

– Debbie and Dodge


"Thank you Damian for your amazing ability to transfer our very playful lab into a very obedient dog. Your very friendly service and professional training manner was outstanding. More importantly you were able to instruct us on how to maintain Bulla’s obedience training to ensure he received a consistent ‘message’. 

Engaging in your professional service was certainly worth the investment not only for own benefit but more importantly for Bulla who is a very happy, fun loving obedient dog.  We would be more than happy to recommend your professional service. Many thanks for all your assistance."

– Trent, Jodie and Millie


I asked for help from K9 Lifestyle for my Great Dane Charlie who had developed a very annoying habit of barking very loudly at the door when outside and wanting to come in. This became particularly problematic when I had guests over or was over at friends houses and wanted him to stay outside.

Damien was friendly, professional and developed an immediate respect with Charlie. Within three weeks (and 2 follow up sessions) this issue has reduced dramatically and I am confident will completely go away with my continued training of him. I would 100% recommend Damien to any one I know having problems with their canine friends."

– Elly
